Virtual Twits

Following the list of Powershell users collated by @StevenMurawski over at Mind of Root I thought I would follow suite and try and maintain a list of the VMware related twitters who I have found very informative and useful over the last couple of months of using twitter.

If I have missed you or you would prefer not to be on this list please let me know via the comments or contacting me on twitter @alanrenouf

You can also download the below powershell script that will run through this list and automatically follow them for you.

Download the PowerShell Script HERE

List last updated 14 August 09

Also as mentioned by Andrew Storrs there is a Virtualization Twitter Group here

35 thoughts on “Virtual Twits

  1. Linus

    You can add me. Although I comment on other things I do teach for VMware (VI3 and View). πŸ™‚

  2. Virtu-Al

    All right, but apart from the sanitation, medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, the fresh water system and public health, what have the Romans ever done for us?

  3. Steve Chambers

    stevie_chambers of VIOPS fame… I was doing a twitlist over there, but now I’ll point at this if that’s ok?

  4. Tom Howarth

    I am honoured and Humbled to be considered a member of this illustrious group group of Twits

  5. Gerben Kloosterman

    You might want to follow @gklooste: another blogger who talks rubbish about virtualization πŸ˜‰

  6. Stu

    LOL I like the cut of your jib. Welcome to the illustrious vinternals blog roll, and see u at the next VMUG London πŸ™‚

  7. Stu

    I’d ask to add vinternals to that list but… I mostly just talk shit, not worth following at all. Frenchman. πŸ™‚

  8. Doug Hazelman


    Thanks for the list and for including me and some other Veeam folks.


    AKA @vmdoug

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