Check vCenter Services

A quick function which allows you to check the VMware services on your vCenter server by hooking into windows and looking at the service status, this is useful and something I have been using as part of my vCheck script for a long time but recently became useful for a colleague.

The script can be run with no credential parameter if the current user account has windows privileges on the vCenter server to read the service information.




function Get-VIServices ($viserver, $credential){
	If ($credential){
		$Services = get-wmiobject win32_service -Credential $credential -ComputerName $viserver | Where {$_.DisplayName -like "VMware*" }
	} Else {
		$Services = get-wmiobject win32_service -ComputerName $viserver | Where {$_.DisplayName -like "VMware*" }

	$myCol = @()
	Foreach ($service in $Services){
		If ($service.StartMode -eq "Auto") {
			if ($service.State -eq "Stopped") {
				$MyDetails = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
					Name = $service.Displayname
					State = $service.State
					StartMode = $service.StartMode
					Health = "Unexpected State"

		If ($service.StartMode -eq "Auto") {
			if ($service.State -eq "Running") {
				$MyDetails = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
					Name = $service.Displayname
					State = $service.State
					StartMode = $service.StartMode
					Health = "OK"
		If ($service.StartMode -eq "Disabled"){
			If ($service.State -eq "Running"){
				$MyDetails = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
					Name = $service.Displayname
					State = $service.State
					StartMode = $service.StartMode
					Health = "Unexpected State"
		If ($service.StartMode -eq "Disabled"){
			if ($service.State -eq "Stopped"){
				$MyDetails = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
					Name = $service.Displayname
					State = $service.State
					StartMode = $service.StartMode
					Health = "OK"
		$myCol += $MyDetails

$creds = Get-Credential
Get-VIservices -viserver -credential $creds

3 thoughts on “Check vCenter Services

  1. Sven

    in the second if statement you need to check also for manual / running and manual / stopped

    If (
    ($Service.StartMode -eq “Auto” -AND $Service.State -eq “Running”) -OR
    ($Service.StartMode -eq “Disabled” -AND $Service.State -eq “Stopped”) -OR
    ($Service.StartMode -eq “Manual” -AND $Service.State -eq “Stopped”) -OR
    ($Service.StartMode -eq “Manual” -AND $Service.State -eq “Running”)
    ) {
    $MyDetails = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
    Name = $Service.DisplayName
    State = $Service.State
    StartMode = $Service.StartMode
    Health = “OK”

  2. Virtu-Al

    Nice, I always forget about -AND and -OR and I didnt even know you could do @PSBoundParameters I will need to check out what that is doing.

  3. Rich Prescott

    Hey Alan,

    Followed your twitter link to your blog post and plan on adding your script to my current vCenter health checks. Found a few areas to spruce it up a little bit. Here ya go!

    -Rich Prescott

    function Get-VIServices ($viserver, $credential){

    $Services = get-wmiobject win32_service @PSBoundParameters | Where {$_.DisplayName -like “VMware*” }

    $myCol = @()
    Foreach ($service in $Services){
    If ($service.StartMode -eq “Auto” -AND $service.State -eq “Stopped”) -OR ($service.StartMode -eq “Disabled” -AND $service.State -eq “Running”){
    $MyDetails = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
    Name = $service.Displayname
    State = $service.State
    StartMode = $service.StartMode
    Health = “Unexpected State”

    If ($service.StartMode -eq “Auto” -AND $service.State -eq “Running”) -OR ($service.StartMode -eq “Disabled” -AND $service.State -eq “Stopped”){
    $MyDetails = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
    Name = $service.Displayname
    State = $service.State
    StartMode = $service.StartMode
    Health = “OK”
    $myCol += $MyDetails

    $creds = Get-Credential
    Get-VIservices -viserver -credential $creds

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