Tag Archives: PowerShell

PowerCLI in the vSphere Web Client–Announcing PowerActions

You don’t know how excited I am to write this!  Around a year ago I presented something we were working on internal as a tech preview for my VMworld session, the response was phenomenal, if you were there you would remember people standing up and clapping and asking when this awesomeness would be available, its taken a while but its here and its worth the wait.  So what is this that I am so excited about?


PowerActions is a new fling from VMware which can be downloaded here, it adds the automation power of PowerCLI into the web client for you to use your scripts and automation power back inside the client, have you ever wanted to right click an object in the web client and run a custom automation action, maybe return the results and then work with them further all from the convenience of the web client…. Now you can!

This works in 2 ways….


PowerShell console in the Web Client

Firstly you can access a PowerCLI console straight in the web interface, even in safari, this fling allows for a dedicated host to be used as a PowerShell host and this machine will be responsible for running the PowerCLI actions, once its setup you will access the console from within the web client and all commands will run remotely on the PowerShell host, it even uses your current logged on credentials to launch the scripts meaning you don’t have to connect the PowerCLI session.


You can use tab completion on your cmdlets and even use other PowerShell snapins and modules to control any PowerShell enabled infrastructure to extend your automation needs within the vSphere Web Client.


MenuRight Click your objects

Secondly you can now right click an object in the Web Client and create a dedicated script which will work against this object, have the ability to extend your web client and take the object as an input to use inside your script.

This comes with 2 options, Create a script and also execute a script.


My Scripts and Shared Scripts

Not only can you create your own scripts to run against objects in the web client but advanced admins can create scripts and share them with all users of the web client by storing them in the Shared Scripts section of this fling, read the documentation to find out more about how to do this.  This gives the great ability to have not only shared scripts but actually a golden set of scripts which all users of the web client can use while you keep your items in a separate area “My Scripts”, enabling each user to have their own custom actions.


Download and read more

Download the fling from the VMware Labs site here, also make sure you grab the document from the same site and also check out the great post on the PowerCLI Blog for more information here.


Check out the video for a quick introduction

To help with the details I shot a quick install and usage video that covers the basics, make sure you read the PDF that comes with the fling and make sure you are active, if you like this then let is know, if you want more then let us know…. basically give us feedback!

VMware PowerCLI 5.8 R1 Released

imageToday VMware released PowerCLI 5.8 R1, in this release they add even more automation awesomeness to this already powerful tool.  It supports all the way back to vCenter and ESXi 4.1 so if your using this version or anything above this I think it’s well worth updating PowerCLI to make sure you take advantage of the new features, speed increases and bug fixes in this version.

The following list is an overview of the new features:

Faster startup – Enhancements have been made to improve the start-up speed of the first PowerCLI cmdlet in a session to ensure access to PowerCLI is now faster, this was something that I know was an issue in the past and Clint Kitson did an excellent post on things to check and making things faster, whilst the PowerCLI team handles manually compiling the .NET PowerCLI Serializers (notice the installer takes a couple of seconds longer) Clints post is still worth checking out as he lists some other things which can also help with the startup speed.

You can now manage storage policies with the Storage Policy-Based Management (SPBM) cmdlets. This functionality is included in a new snap-in for storage, which contains the following cmdlets:

  • Export-SpbmStoragePolicy
  • Get-SpbmCapability
  • Get-SpbmCompatibleStorage
  • Get-SpbmEntityConfiguration
  • Get-SpbmStoragePolicy
  • Import-SpbmStoragePolicy
  • New-SpbmRule
  • New-SpbmRuleSet
  • New-SpbmStoragePolicy
  • Remove-SpbmStoragePolicy
  • Set-SpbmEntityConfiguration
  • Set-SpbmStoragePolicy

This one is awesome and will ensure PowerCLI is an awesome tool for installing the vCloud Suite products, enhancements have been made to support deployment of OVF and OVA files with configuration parameters in the following areas:

  • Get-OVFConfiguration allows you to query an OVF or OVA for deployment properties
  • Import-vApp now has an OvfConfiguration parameter which allows for OVFProperties to be passed during deployment

Following the work in previous releases on automation of tags, you can now filter multiple objects by tag information. A tag parameter has been added to the following cmdlets:

  • Get-Cluster
  • Get-DatastoreCluster
  • Get-Folder
  • Get-ResourcePool
  • Get-DistributedSwitch
  • Get-Datacenter
  • Get-VApp

Enhancements have been made to error reporting by including more details in the error messages returned by the cmdlets, this includes more information from the APIs making sure users have the best information available when diagnosing why vCenter failed with a task.

You can now pass SpbmStoragePolicy objects to the RelatedObject parameter of the Get-HardDisk and Get-VM cmdlets.

You can now provide a filter when working with Datastore Providers.

You can now filter on DistributedSwitch and VMHost when using the Get-VMHostNetworkAdapter cmdlet with provided parameters.

You can now work with vCloud Director and vCloud Air with support for the latest version of the vCloud Director APIs, again a great enhancement and less pain when working with the latest vCD APIs as you no longer need to force the API version for it to work correctly.

vCloud Director cmdlets have been extended to include the New-CIVM and Get-CIVMTemplate cmdlets.

The New-CIVapp cmdlet has been extended with a new parameter set, which allows you to create an empty vApp.

You can now work with the enhanced vCenter Site Recovery Manager 5.8 public APIs,these have been extended by the SRM release and PowerCLI will enable automation of even more areas now!


So why are you still reading this post?  Go download it now! or if you are a vCloud tenant you may want to just download the cmdlets that enable you to work with vCloud as a user from here.

WebCommander goes Open Source

You may have heard me talk about Webcommander before at VMworld or during a vBrownbag, if you haven’t and you don’t know about this project then you have been missing out!

WebCommander was designed as a framework to wrap your PowerShell and/or PowerCLI scripts into an easy-to-access web service, give each script a nice easy web form and show the results, give a simple icon on a web page to your end users and allow them to use your scripts and all they need is a web browser!

Have you ever wanted to give your users access to certain virtual infrastructure tasks instead of the entire vCenter Client? Have you ever written tasks in PowerShell which you wished you could easily hand off to the users to run on an ad-hoc basis? Now you can hand off the tasks your users need by simply adding a new script and giving them access to WebCommander.

Previously WebCommander was initially released as a VMware fling and updates were performed by VMware, the community was keen to jump on this and the feedback came in thick and fast, I was amazed to see how some customers were using WebCommander and how they took it to the next level.  The main engineer on the project (Jerry Liu) implemented the feedback fast and released update after update to bring the additions to the latest version.

The final part of this story and the great part is that Jerry has now released WebCommander to the community as an open source project on Github, this is fantastic news as it means more people can now get involved, add new contributions and make changes which can be checked back into the core code for everyone to use.  PowerCLI and PowerShell users alike.

So why wait, head over to the site here, download and contribute to this awesome project!


WebCommander Eye candy


PowerShell your world cup

A little Friday night fun here, of course the first thing i thought when i saw the below tweet from Will.I.Lam was, Ooooo that wouldnt take long to use in PowerShell.


And of course just 20 mins after finishing work I had a few functions, here is how you use them.

1. Go to the kimono website and sign up for an account, this will get you an APIkey, Click your name once you have logged in and select account.

2. Copy the API key and paste it below in the script and have fun!

The Functions


Function Get-WorldCupPlayer ($Country) {
    If ($Country) {
        $TeamID = (Get-WorldCupTeam -Country $Country).id
        Invoke-WebRequest -Uri ("http://worldcup.kimonolabs.com/api/players?teamId=$($TeamID)&apikey=$($ApiKey)") | ConvertFrom-Json
    } Else {
        Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "http://worldcup.kimonolabs.com/api/players?apikey=$($ApiKey)" | ConvertFrom-Json

Function Get-WorldCupTeam ($Country, $TeamID) {
    If ($Country) {
        Invoke-WebRequest -Uri ("http://worldcup.kimonolabs.com/api/teams?name=$($Country)&apikey=$($ApiKey)") | ConvertFrom-Json
    If ($TeamID) {
        Invoke-WebRequest -Uri ("http://worldcup.kimonolabs.com/api/teams?id=$($TeamID)&apikey=$($ApiKey)") | ConvertFrom-Json

    If (!$country -and !$TeamID) {
        Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "http://worldcup.kimonolabs.com/api/teams?apikey=$($ApiKey)" | ConvertFrom-Json

Function Get-WorldCupStat {
    Invoke-WebRequest -Uri ("http://worldcup.kimonolabs.com/api/teams?sort=goalsFor,-1&apikey=$($ApiKey)") | ConvertFrom-Json

Bring on the World Cup Fun

#Display the best team in the World Cup

Get-WorldCupTeam -Country “England”


Get-WorldCupStat | Format-Table


Get-WorldCupPlayer | Format-Table


Get-WorldCupPlayer -Country “England” | Format-Table


#Who has scored the most goals in the Netherland team so far?

Get-WorldCupPlayer -Country “Netherlands” | Foreach { $_ | Where { $_.goals -gt 0 } | Select firstName, lastName, goals } | sort goals –Descending


#View the Logo of the team who is going to win
$logo = (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile(((Get-WorldCupTeam -Country “England”).logo), ($env:TEMP + “\Logo.png”))
Invoke-Item $env:TEMP\Logo.png


PowerShell User Group–San Francisco–1st April 2014

Are you interested in PowerShell?

Are you in the San Francisco area on 1st April 2014?

If the answer to both of these questions is “Hell yeah” then make your way to the “Northern California PowerShell User Group” where we will be talking general PowerShell type conversations.

I will be presenting about PowerCLI, where it fits in, what people have done with it and more about the latest release.

If you are not interested in managing VMware products with PowerShell then attend anyway, we will no doubt reference lots of PowerShell general tips and tricks and definitely have some great conversations about PowerShell in general.

The Details

Date: Tue Apr 01
Time: 6:30 PM

Location: Microsoft Office – 835 Market Street, Suite 700, San Francisco, CA (map)

More details can be found here

See you there!

Automated deployment & configuration of Log Insight with PowerCLI

As part of my datacenter build I needed to install and configure Log Insight automatically, this is easier than it sounds, its easy enough to deploy and OVA file with PowerCLI but the configuration of Log Insight is all done via a configuration website and not through OVF properties or VM properties.

What’s more, the normal trick of using Invoke-VMscript to reach inside the VM and perform some configuration by manipulating files would not work as the administrator password is not set until you complete the web page configuration.

Thankfully PowerShell has some great ways to manipulate Internet Explorer, with this I was able to automatically fill in the website and configure Log Insight to automatically connect to my infrastructure to start collecting data.  For debug purposes I have left the automation of internet explorer visible in the below script when it is run, this can easily be turned off by altering the $ie.visible = $true line below to change it to $false.

You will see my script automatically chooses a host and datastore based upon the cluster and the size needed, you can of course change it for your environment if you would prefer to choose where it was deployed.

Don’t forget that as a follow on you can also bulk configure your ESXi hosts to send their logs to Log Insight with the following PowerCLI script.

Sample Screenshots



The Script

Connect-VIServer -user "administrator@vsphere.local" -pass vmware
$LIInstallFile = "C:\tmp\VMware-vCenter-Log-Insight-1.0.4-1169900_OVF10.ova"
$LIName = "LI01"
$LINetwork = "VM Network"
$LIIP = ""
$LISNM = ""
$LIDGW = ""
$LIDNS = ""
$LICluster = "Production"
$LIEmail = "myemail@vsphere.local"
$LIPassword = "VMware123!"
$LISMTPServer = "mail.vsphere.local"
$LISMTPport = 25 
$LINTP = "0.us.pool.ntp.org, 1.us.pool.ntp.org, 2.us.pool.ntp.org, 3.us.pool.ntp.org"
$LIvC = ""
$LIvCUser = "administrator@vsphere.local"
$LIvCPass = "vmware"
$SleepTime = 15
$LISpaceNeededGB = "5"

Write-Host "$(Get-Date): Selecting host for $LIName from $LICluster Cluster"
$LIVMHost = Get-Cluster $LICluster | Get-VMHost | Where {$_.PowerState -eq "PoweredOn" -and $_.ConnectionState -eq "Connected" } | Get-Random
Write-Host "$(Get-Date): $LIVMHost selected for $LIName"
Write-Host "$(Get-Date): Selecting Datastore for $LIName"
$LIDatastore = $LIVMHost | Get-Datastore | Where {$_.ExtensionData.Summary.MultipleHostAccess} | Where {$_.FreeSpaceGB -ge $LISpaceNeededGB} | Get-Random
if (!$LIDatastore) {
	Write-Host "$(Get-Date): No shared datastore found with $LISpaceNeededGB GB Free"
	Write-Host "$(Get-Date): LogInsight will not be installed"
} Else {
	Write-Host "$(Get-Date): $LIDatastore selected for $LIName"
	Write-Host "$(Get-Date): Importing $LIName from $LIInstallFile"
	$LIDeployedVMTask = $LIVMHost | Import-vApp -Name $LIName -Source $LIInstallFile -Datastore $LIDatastore -Force -RunAsync

	do {
		Sleep $SleepTime
		Write-Progress -Activity "Deploying Log Insight to $LIVMHost" -status "Progress" -PercentComplete $LIDeployedVMTask.PercentComplete 
	} until ($LIDeployedVMTask.PercentComplete -eq 100 )
	Write-Host "$(Get-Date): $LIName deployed and the task result was $($LIDeployedVMTask.State)"
	If ($LIDeployedVMTask.State -ne "success") {
		Write-Host "$(Get-Date): Unable to deploy LogInsight, deploy failed with $($LIDeployedVMTask.ExtensionData.Info.Error.LocalizedMessage)"
	} Else {
		$LIDeployedVM = Get-VM $LIName

		# Reconfigure the vApp with Name and IP details.
		$spec = New-Object VMware.Vim.VirtualMachineConfigSpec
		$spec.changeVersion = $LIDeployedVM.ExtensionData.Config.ChangeVersion
		$spec.vAppConfig = New-Object VMware.Vim.VmConfigSpec
		$spec.vAppConfig.property = New-Object VMware.Vim.VAppPropertySpec[] (6)
		$spec.vAppConfig.ipAssignment = New-Object VMware.Vim.VAppIPAssignmentInfo
		$spec.vAppConfig.ipAssignment.ipAllocationPolicy = "fixedPolicy"

		$spec.vAppConfig.property[0] = New-Object VMware.Vim.VAppPropertySpec
		$spec.vAppConfig.property[0].operation = "edit"
		$spec.vAppConfig.property[0].info = New-Object VMware.Vim.VAppPropertyInfo
		$spec.vAppConfig.property[0].info.key = 0
		$spec.vAppConfig.property[0].info.value = $LIDGW

		$spec.vAppConfig.property[1] = New-Object VMware.Vim.VAppPropertySpec
		$spec.vAppConfig.property[1].operation = "edit"
		$spec.vAppConfig.property[1].info = New-Object VMware.Vim.VAppPropertyInfo
		$spec.vAppConfig.property[1].info.key = 1
		$spec.vAppConfig.property[1].info.value = $LIDNS

		$spec.vAppConfig.property[2] = New-Object VMware.Vim.VAppPropertySpec
		$spec.vAppConfig.property[2].operation = "edit"
		$spec.vAppConfig.property[2].info = New-Object VMware.Vim.VAppPropertyInfo
		$spec.vAppConfig.property[2].info.key = 2
		$spec.vAppConfig.property[2].info.value = $LIIP

		$spec.vAppConfig.property[3] = New-Object VMware.Vim.VAppPropertySpec
		$spec.vAppConfig.property[3].operation = "edit"
		$spec.vAppConfig.property[3].info = New-Object VMware.Vim.VAppPropertyInfo
		$spec.vAppConfig.property[3].info.key = 3
		$spec.vAppConfig.property[3].info.value = $LISNM

		$spec.vAppConfig.property[4] = New-Object VMware.Vim.VAppPropertySpec
		$spec.vAppConfig.property[4].operation = "edit"
		$spec.vAppConfig.property[4].info = New-Object VMware.Vim.VAppPropertyInfo
		$spec.vAppConfig.property[4].info.key = 4
		$spec.vAppConfig.property[4].info.value = $LIName

		$Reconfig = $LIDeployedVM.ExtensionData

		Write-Host "$(Get-Date): Reconfiguring $LIName after deployment"
		$Configtask = $Reconfig.ReconfigVM_Task($spec)

		Write-Host "$(Get-Date): Reconfiguring Network on $LIName to join $LINetwork"
		$NetworkChange = $LIDeployedVM | Get-NetworkAdapter | Set-NetworkAdapter -NetworkName $LINetwork -Confirm:$false

		Write-Host "$(Get-Date): Power On $LIName for first time"
		$LIDeployedVM | Start-VM | Out-Null

		Write-Host "$(Get-Date): Waiting for Log Insight Website to be active before configuration"
		$NumConnections = 0
		do {
			Sleep 7
			$Port = 443
			$Connection = New-Object Net.Sockets.TcpClient
			Try { 
				If ($Connection.Connected) {
					Write-Host "$(Get-Date): Waiting for Log Insight Website to be active before configuration"
					$NumConnections ++
			Catch {}
			Finally {}
		} until ($NumConnections -gt 10)

		$LIURI = "https://$LIIP"
		$ie = new-object -com "InternetExplorer.Application"
		while($ie.ReadyState -ne 4) {start-sleep 1} 
		$ie.visible = $true
		$doc = $ie.Document
		If ($doc.nameProp -eq "Certificate Error: Navigation Blocked") {
			while($doc.nameProp -ne "vCenter Log Insight - Startup") {
				$doc = $ie.Document
				start-sleep 1
				Write-Host "$(Get-Date): Waiting for Log Insight Config Page"
		$doc = $ie.Document
		Write-Host "$(Get-Date): Configuring Password"
		Start-Sleep 5
		$ie.Document.getElementsByName("user.email")| Foreach {$_.value=$LIEmail}
		$ie.Document.getElementsByName("newPassword")| Foreach {$_.value=$LIPassword}
		$ie.Document.getElementsByName("newPasswordConfirm")| Foreach {$_.value=$LIPassword}
		Write-Host "$(Get-Date): Configuring License Key"
		Start-Sleep 5
		$ie.Document.getElementsByName("licenseKey")| Foreach {$_.value=$LILicense}
		Write-Host "$(Get-Date): Configuring Alert Email address"
		Start-Sleep 5
		$ie.Document.getElementsByName("alertsConfig.adminAlertReceivers")| Foreach {$_.value=$LIEmail}
		Write-Host "$(Get-Date): Configuring NTP"
		Start-Sleep 5
		$ie.Document.getElementsByName("ntpConfig.ntpServersCsv")| Foreach {$_.value=$LINTP}
		Write-Host "$(Get-Date): Configuring SMTP"
		Start-Sleep 5
		$ie.Document.getElementsByName("smtpConfig.server")| Foreach {$_.value=$LISMTPServer}
		$ie.Document.getElementsByName("smtpConfig.port")| Foreach {$_.value=$LISMTPport}
		Write-Host "$(Get-Date): Configuring vCenter Integration"
		Start-Sleep 5
		$ie.Document.getElementsByName("vsphereConfig.credentials[0].enabled")| Foreach {$_.Checked=$True}
		#TODO GO back and adjust for multi vCenter env
		$ie.Document.getElementsByName("vsphereConfig.credentials[0].hostname")| Foreach {$_.value=$LIvC}
		$ie.Document.getElementsByName("vsphereConfig.credentials[0].username")| Foreach {$_.value=$LIvCUser}
		$ie.Document.getElementsByName("vsphereConfig.credentials[0].password")| Foreach {$_.value=$LIvCPass}
		$testlinks = $ie.Document.get_links()
		$testlinks | Foreach { $_ | Where {$_.OuterText -eq "Test"} | Foreach { $_.Click() } }
		Start-Sleep 60
		Start-Sleep 5
		Start-Sleep 5
		Write-Host "$(Get-Date): $LIName deployment and configuration completed."

Introduction to PowerCLI

Whenever I visit VMUGs or talk about PowerCLI I am constantly surprised by people who have not yet heard of PowerCLI or are unaware of the basics of how it works, let alone the power it has and time it can save people.  I wanted to address this and give people a head start learning PowerCLI.

The below video gives you an idea of what PowerCLI is, how it works and how you can get started. It’s the first of what will hopefully be a series of videos on PowerCLI concepts, please add a comment here for the kind of videos you would like to see.

Creating a manual VSAN Cluster with PowerCLI

In my previous post I showed how to create a datacenter, cluster, add hosts and create an automatic VSAN cluster allowing for the local SSDs and HDDs to be added to a new VSAN datastore, check it out here.

But what if you wanted to create a manual VSAN cluster and select the disks to add to the VSAN Diskgroup to create the datastore, this gives more control and allows for a precisely configured environment making the most of local resources and perhaps saving other disks for further use and alternate features.

In the below code you can see that instead of automatic we can easily set the cluster to manual and add the disks ourselves, with my code I have selected the disks I want to use as all blank SSDs and all HDDs but you could easily use PowerCLI to define the make, model, size or other factors to use before creating the diskgroup and manually adding the SSDs and HDDs.



The script

import-module VMware.VimAutomation.Extensions
Connect-VIServer -User root -Password vmware
$Datacenter = "DC01"
$Cluster = "VSAN Cluster"
$ESXHosts = "", ""
$ESXUser = "root"
$ESXPWD = "vmware"
$VMKNetforVSAN = "Management Network"

# If doesnt exist create the datacenter
If (-Not ($NewDatacenter = Get-Datacenter $Datacenter -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)){ 
	Write-Host "Adding $Datacenter"
	$NewDatacenter = New-Datacenter -Name $Datacenter -Location (Get-Folder Datacenters) 

# Create the initial cluster
if (-Not ($NewCluster = Get-Cluster $Cluster -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { 
	Write-Host "Adding $Cluster"
	$NewCluster = New-Cluster -Name $Cluster -Location $NewDatacenter 

# For each of our hosts
$ESXHosts | Foreach {
	Write-Host "Adding $($_) to $($NewCluster)"
	# Add them to the cluster
	$AddedHost = Add-VMHost -Name $_ -Location $NewCluster -User $ESXUser -Password $ESXPWD -Force
	# Check to see if they have a VSAN enabled VMKernel
	$VMKernel = $AddedHost | Get-VMHostNetworkAdapter -VMKernel | Where {$_.PortGroupName -eq $VMKNetforVSAN }
	$IsVSANEnabled = $VMKernel | Where { $_.VsanTrafficEnabled}
	# If it isnt Enabled then Enable it
	If (-not $IsVSANEnabled) {
		Write-Host "Enabling VSAN Kernel on $VMKernel"
		$VMKernel | Set-VMHostNetworkAdapter -VsanTrafficEnabled $true -Confirm:$false | Out-Null
	} Else {
		Write-Host "VSAN Kernel already enabled on $VmKernel"
		$IsVSANEnabled | Select VMhost, DeviceName, IP, PortGroupName, VSANTrafficEnabled
# Enable VSAN on the cluster and set to Automatic Disk Claim Mode
Write-Host "Enabling VSAN on $NewCluster"
$VSANCluster = $NewCluster | Set-Cluster -VsanEnabled:$true -VsanDiskClaimMode Manual -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

$ESXHosts | Foreach {
	Write-Host "Finding disks for $($_)"
	# Find the blank SSDs for the current host
	$disks = Get-VMHost $_ | Get-VMHostDisk
	$SSDs = $disks | Where { $_.scsilun.extensiondata.ssd }
	$BlankSSDs = $SSDs | Where { -not $_.Extensiondata.Layout.Partition[0].partition }
	Write-Host "Blank SSDs"
	$BlankSSDsArray = ""
	$BlankSSDs | Foreach { $BlankSSDsArray += $_.scsilun.CanonicalName }
	# Find the blank Magnetic disks for the current host
	$HDDs = $disks | Where { -not $_.scsilun.extensiondata.ssd }
	$BlankHDDs = $HDDs | Where { -not $_.Extensiondata.Layout.Partition[0].partition }
	Write-Host "Blank HDDs"
	$BlankHDDsArray = ""
	$BlankHDDs | Foreach { $BlankHDDsArray += $_.scsilun.CanonicalName }
	New-VsanDiskGroup -VMHost $_ -SSDCanonicalName $BlankSSDsArray -DataDiskCanonicalName $BlankHDDsArray | Out-Null

If ($VSANCluster.VSANEnabled){
	Write-Host "VSAN cluster $($VSANCLuster.Name) created in $($VSANCluster.VSANDiskClaimMode) configuration"
	Write-Host "The following Hosts and Disk Groups now exist:"
	Get-VsanDiskGroup | Select VMHost, Name | FT -AutoSize
	Write-Host "The following VSAN Datastore now exists:"
	Get-Datastore | Where {$_.Type -eq "vsan"} | Select Name, Type, FreeSpaceGB, CapacityGB
} Else {
	Write-Host "Something went wrong, VSAN not enabled"

Creating a VSAN Cluster with PowerCLI

Recently there was a new fling released on the VMware Flings site, this enables us to use VSAN and VMware Flash Read Cache with PowerCLI, check out the site here for more details.

I wrote a post on the PowerCLI Blog which showed the cmdlets and some examples on how you might use these, recently I had the chance to put them to use when I needed to stand up a new VSAN cluster, I was able to easily build myself a test cluster with the help of Williams post here.

Once I had a couple of hosts and my fresh vCenter server, I used the following script to setup the Datacenter, Cluster, add the hosts, enable the VSAN VMKernel port and enable VSAN in automatic mode.  The cmdlets are very easy to use and I was amazed at how easy and quick it is to setup VSAN.



The script

import-module VMware.VimAutomation.Extensions
Connect-VIServer -User root -Password vmware
$Datacenter = "DC01"
$Cluster = "VSAN Cluster"
$ESXHosts = "", ""
$ESXUser = "root"
$ESXPWD = "vmware"
$VMKNetforVSAN = "Management Network"

# If doesnt exist create the datacenter
If (-Not ($NewDatacenter = Get-Datacenter $Datacenter -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)){ 
	Write-Host "Adding $Datacenter"
	$NewDatacenter = New-Datacenter -Name $Datacenter -Location (Get-Folder Datacenters) 

# Create the initial cluster
if (-Not ($NewCluster = Get-Cluster $Cluster -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { 
	Write-Host "Adding $Cluster"
	$NewCluster = New-Cluster -Name $Cluster -Location $NewDatacenter 

# For each of our hosts
$ESXHosts | Foreach {
	Write-Host "Adding $($_) to $($NewCluster)"
	# Add them to the cluster
	$AddedHost = Add-VMHost -Name $_ -Location $NewCluster -User $ESXUser -Password $ESXPWD -Force
	# Check to see if they have a VSAN enabled VMKernel
	$VMKernel = $AddedHost | Get-VMHostNetworkAdapter -VMKernel | Where {$_.PortGroupName -eq $VMKNetforVSAN }
	$IsVSANEnabled = $VMKernel | Where { $_.VsanTrafficEnabled}
	# If it isnt Enabled then Enable it
	If (-not $IsVSANEnabled) {
		Write-Host "Enabling VSAN Kernel on $VMKernel"
		$VMKernel | Set-VMHostNetworkAdapter -VsanTrafficEnabled $true -Confirm:$false | Out-Null
	} Else {
		Write-Host "VSAN Kernel already enabled on $VmKernel"
		$IsVSANEnabled | Select VMhost, DeviceName, IP, PortGroupName, VSANTrafficEnabled
# Enable VSAN on the cluster and set to Automatic Disk Claim Mode
Write-Host "Enabling VSAN on $NewCluster"
$VSANCluster = $NewCluster | Set-Cluster -VsanEnabled:$true -VsanDiskClaimMode Automatic -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
If ($VSANCluster.VSANEnabled){
	Write-Host "VSAN cluster $($VSANCLuster.Name) created in $($VSANCluster.VSANDiskClaimMode) configuration"
	Write-Host "The following Hosts and Disk Groups now exist:"
	Get-VsanDiskGroup | Select VMHost, Name | FT -AutoSize
	Write-Host "The following VSAN Datastore now exists:"
	Get-Datastore | Where {$_.Type -eq "vsan"} | Select Name, Type, FreeSpaceGB, CapacityGB
} Else {
	Write-Host "Something went wrong, VSAN not enabled"

Remotely Managing VMware vSphere through your mobile device

Remember the VMware Community PowerPack for PowerGUI? With it we were able to manage our VMware environment through a MMC style GUI placed on top of PowerCLI Scripts, this gave us the benefit of custom task based actions with a nice and easy to use interface.

Now Imagine if you could have the same great customized management options for your vSphere environment on a mobile device or tablet device.  Imagine no longer!

Mobile IT

Mobile IT is a new application which is available on a number of different mobile devices and tablets that allows us to import Mobile Packs which are custom written packs that work with your applications and also Power Packs which were previously written for PowerGUI.

So What do I need?

The Server

The first thing you will need to do is setup the server which is going to run Mobile IT, this is where we have two options.  In a corporate environment you will probably want all connections to go straight to your systems and you will want to manage the traffic and every aspect of the environment, in this case you would have the Mobile IT Server in your DMZ and the Mobile IT Agent on your network as per the image below taken from the Mobile IT documentation.

TinyGrab Screen Shot 12-01-2014 17.55.30

The second option (which was perfect for my home lab) is where Dell hosts the gateway server for you, you can then install the Mobile IT Server and Agent on your network (I had them both on the same server) as per the below diagram taken from the Mobile IT documentation.

TinyGrab Screen Shot 12-01-2014 17.55.08

The Install was very easy and I had the system up and running in around 20 minutes, once setup it was easy to import the VMware Community Power Pack and add the same machine as a new instance in the web admin interface.  I also installed PowerCLI on this server which is needed by the Community PowerPack.

TinyGrab Screen Shot 12-01-2014 18.58.46

The Client

Now all you need to do is install the app on your phone or tablet, a client is available in the app store of each of the following devices and is currently free. Once downloaded and you have entered your company name and credentials it will communicate with your Mobile IT server where you can authorize the device for use on your network.


Check out the Mobile IT Site here for downloads and documentation.

See it in action

See it in action with the VMware Power Pack below and remember, this is all based on PowerCLI so you can customize the scripts and allow access to your tasks from any mobile device.